Monday, March 31, 2008

San Diego Traffic

(Note: This post is long, with no images and less humor than I'd like there to be because I started getting really angry as I continued to rant. So I don't care if you can't muster up the patience to read it, it's not my problem since stupid San Diego drivers are.)

I’m going to assume that most of the readers of this blog are Los Angelenos, so I’m going to write about something completely irrelevant: San Diego traffic. So, if you ever plan on taking a small excursion down south or even living there in yet another Californian blonde and tan infested city, here is your how-to guide in surviving the stupidity that is San Diego drivers.

San Diego drivers. Do NOT. know the basics of freeway etiquette. Granted, when you signal, most let you in instead of speeding up to block you like they do in Los Angeles. I appreciate that. But I don’t appreciate about 25% of the population who drive under 40mph in every single lane each freeway provides. I honestly don’t understand why San Diegans can’t comprehend that the further right lanes are the slow lanes and the further left ones are the fast lanes. Traffic would go much more smoothly if you follow this simple concept.

And let’s go on to their traffic lights. Every single major intersection in San Diego has arrows. This means when you’re stopped at a light, you can guarantee you’ll be sitting there for 5 minutes until it turns green again ‘cause you have to fricken’ wait for the left turn people to go through their arrows. It’s absolutely unbelievable. It takes FOREVER. There are moments when there are NO cars going through the intersections in either way because of the green arrows for non-existent left-turning cars. Inefficiency can really bug me! At least in Los Angeles, left turners can turn when the coast is clear instead of having to wait for the man to tell them to make a left. Left turn arrows are only implemented in high-traffic intersections where there are many many cars who need to turn left and yielding is therefore no longer efficient.

Oh and before I move on, here are more tips on traffic lights. Freeway entrances are hell by 3pm. It WILL take you 10-20 minutes to even enter the freeway that’s averaging 55mph because freeway entrance stoplights begin operating by 3pm and are turned off by 7pm. These lights are supposed to control the numbers of cars entering the traffic infested freeway going the hellish 55mph, but in reality, it just makes you infinitely later to where you’re supposed to go, just for the hell of it.

Now onto the sensors. Aren’t sensors supposed to help you? For example, I know a few sensors in Los Angeles that when they sense you and the arrow is red, it will turn green almost instantly. In San Diego, there are many lights that turn yellow, right when I’m rolling over a sensor. Or when that green arrow finally shows itself to me, on the street that I turn left on, the light turns yellow right before I am able to reach it. You would think that since a light adjacent to it is letting cars down that way, that it would be programmed to turn green for all these vehicles. But no, they turn yellow and back up traffic which causes lots of annoying gridlock.

People wonder why I say I miss L.A. traffic. To drive in L.A. does require some skill and intelligence in order to not die. I do feel there are more accidents in San Diego. Whether that is true or not, Los Angeles drivers can at least weave around without getting themselves killed. At least when LA drivers pull off some ridiculous stunt without crashing, I am impressed on the road and mildly entertained. ‘Cause God Knows if anyone in S.D. tried that sh*t, it would be Red Asphalt all over the place.

(Sorry for lack of images. San Diegans don’t like to have evidence of poor driving.)